Monday, September 29, 2014

Trick or treat! Plan for a safe Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that children and their parents enjoy together. But keeping your costumed trick-or-treaters safe while they go door to door is paramount.

Follow these tips for ensuring that your kids will have a Halloween they remember for all the right reasons:

• Choose costumes in light or bright colors. Whether you buy a costume or make one, be sure it will be visible after dark. Put some reflective tape on goodie bags to help them show up on the street.

• Eat before going out. Serve dinner or a good healthy snack before your kids hit the neighborhood. They’ll be less likely to gorge on the candy they collect if they’re already full.

• Be careful with props. Make sure masks don’t limit children’s vision or obstruct their breathing. If they’re carrying canes, toy swords, or any other sort of accessory, check that they’re not too difficult to carry while
walking or crossing the street.

• Plan your route. Determine a clear and safe path through your neighborhood ahead of time. You should
accompany small children, of course, and discuss safety with older kids going out as a group. Always carry a
flashlight and cell phone.

• Inspect candy before eating. Check through treat bags when children return home, and separate out any candy that looks suspicious. Don’t let kids consume too much at one time—ration it out so they don’t make
themselves sick. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Keeping your family healthy

Medical visits are almost a certainty for all family members, especially children. However the chances of illness can be reduced by following some easy steps.

One good tip is to make sure that your family goes to the doctor for check-ups on a regular basis. These check-ups can help to prevent certain conditions and diseases and make sure that you are doing all that you can to maintain your health, while for children, also assessing that they are where they should be for their age both physically and developmentally. Height and weight are checked, as are language and motor skills.

Another good tip is to take good care of your teeth. A dental visit should be scheduled not long after a baby gets its first tooth or once it has passed its first birthday. After that everyone should see a dentist once every six months regardless of their age. These visits identify problems such as tooth decay and can also help to learn correct brushing techniques as well as other tips on how to keep a child’s smile healthy.

Help your kids stay healthy! 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Play these games to spur your child’s imagination

Children start out full of creativity and imagination, and parents can help nurture it as they develop and grow. Play these games with your children to keep their minds active and alert:

• Costume play. Encourage games of dress-up. Keep old clothes, hats, and scarves around so your kids can put on a play or pretend to be grown-ups. This lets them try out different roles and express their ideas freely.

• Art gallery. Dedicate a section of your home (not just the refrigerator door) to your kids’ art. Display their pictures and sculptures, rotating them from time to time. You can even hold a “gallery opening” for your relatives or your kids’ friends, serving cheese and juice, to reinforce children’s pride in their talents.

• Story building. Collect some random objects around your house and ask your child to make up a story around them. Or gather a group of children, give them one item each, and have each one add a sentence to the story about the object he or she is holding. Switch items often to keep the game going.

• Forts. It’s a time-honored game, but one that stimulates the senses: Have your kids build a fort using blankets, sheets, and pillows. They’ll learn to solve problems like keeping a roof up and designing doors for easy entrance and exit.